DNS server

What does Recursive DNS server mean?

Recursive DNS server: What is its purpose?

The first thing your browser will do when you try to enter https://www.dnsmanaged.org/ is found the IP address of the domain name dnsmanaged.org. It will inquire, “What is the IP address of dnsmanaged.org?” from the Recursive DNS server.

However, you might be wondering how our browser is able to identify the IP address of the Recursive DNS server. Our workstation/IP device’s address for this server is either explicitly set up or automatically distributed and configured through DHCP.

Let’s move on. The server will then determine whether the cache contains the answer to the query, which is the IP address of dnsmanaged.org. It will immediately deliver the resolution to the browser if it is already in the cache. However, the server will query the DNS root server with the identical query if it is not yet in the cache.

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Why should you implement DNS Monitoring?

Have you ever heard about DNS Monitoring? If not, no worries, you are in the right place. This article will explore its primary purpose, why it is so important, and where you can find it. So, let’s start this adventure. 

DNS Monitoring: Definition

DNS Monitoring is an essential component of your network monitoring solution. Its goal is to ensure that visitors have a secure and reliable connection to the website or service they are accessing.

DNS Monitoring is hugely beneficial for quickly identifying problems, detecting potential security breaches, and avoiding malicious assaults. It entails checking DNS records regularly for any unexpected changes or localizing DNS outages. If an issue with a detrimental impact on your website or service is discovered, it may be remedied promptly.

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​Primary DNS server – What does it mean?

When you talk about networks and domain performance, it’s impossible not to mention servers. The complex structure networks, especially the large ones, couldn’t work without the participation of many DNS servers. 

But there are different types of servers. The functions they accomplish are defined by their position in the domain name system (DNS). If you wonder what a Primary DNS server means, here you have what you need to know.

What is Master DNS zone and how does it work?

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